A downloadable game

My first video game submission. 

Current Features

  1. Orb changes color when pressing z = red x = blue c = green
  2. 2d movement - up, down, left, right.

Bugs and Things That Need Fixing

  1. Also the snake like effect was cool without a background, so kept the bug (I think) as a feature.
  2. Lack of ground or walls, and gravity is persistent but weak.  No more bottomless pit, but now wall other than the floor.
  3. No Menus

Features I hope to add

  1. Menus
  2. Music
  3. Music Visualization a. Obstacles based on the music visualization.
  4. Mechanics based on color.

Libraries I used

  1. Pygames
  2. cx_Freeze to create exe
  3. Native Python libraries.

Programs used

GIMP was used to create the each of the ball.pngs.


rainbow_serpent.zip 147 MB

Install instructions

1. unzip folder

2a. Open the exe file in the build folder. 

2b. Or run in terminal 

pip install cx_Freeze and pygame

> python3.X setup.py build

to build your own exe

2c. Run the rainbow_serpent.py with python3.x or idle.

Download the necessary libraries first.

3. z,x,c will change colors. You will be pulled down by the gravity while "jumping".

4. The centipede effect is not a bug, but a feature (=_o) (o_o)

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